
WordCamp St. Louis is hosted on the campus of Washington University. There are many nearby hotels that provide great accommodations. Here’s a few we like.

Once you’ve found a place to stay, don’t forget to check out our directions and map to the event and some local activities to make your visit unique.


The Cheshire


Photo by Brandon Shea

A St. Louis icon since 1964, The Cheshire has been completely restored. The 108-room European-style boutique hotel blends stylish sophistication with modern luxury in every guestroom and suite, while retaining a British feel.



Moonrise Hotel


Photo by Paul Sableman

The Moonrise Hotel is located in “The Loop” just steps from The Pageant concert night club and the heart of The Loop’s vast shopping and entertainment district. The hotel’s central location, and its proximity to the Delmar Blvd Metrolink Station, makes it simple to get to nearby Washington University as well as The Central West End and Downtown St. Louis.


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