WordPress Templates are Broken! (But we can fix them) (Intermediate)

WordPress is awesome — but the loop isn’t. When you’re writing a custom theme, even simple site requirements can turn your single.php file into a muck of code. Clean markup? Good luck. At Upstatement, we wanted a better way to write and maintain templates. So we built it.

At Upstatement we integrated Twig (a template language like Mustache, Hogan and Handlebars) into WordPress to speed-up code, testing, and design. Designers and front-end developers can work quickly with the clarity of HTML and use variables from WordPress where they need. This dramatically simplifies and speeds-up the theme development process.

Template languages are a key feature of Rails, Node and Django, but not something found in WordPress (until now). In this session, I’ll walk you through how to build a theme using Timber and Twig. With this understanding, you’ll be making more themes with cleaner code and less debugging.

Speaker slides can be found here: http://upstatement.github.io/presentations/2014/wordcamp-stl/#/